Happy Thursday!! I am so grateful it's a sunny day today, the cloud and rain made for an unmotivated day yesterday!! Last week on Instagram, I shared an easy wine slush as a way of maybe changing up your weekend drink. I've had some people message me this week about the recipe, so I thought I would share it on a post! It's so easy and so refreshing!
Here lately we have been just buying the Black Box Wine, we have found that if we don't want to finish a bottle it won't go to waste. And it's pretty cost-efficient too! We have tried most of the black boxes and have really liked the sauvignon blanc and the chardonnay isn't bad either! It's been nice to have one in the fridge during this time to just have one glass on a random Thursday night. Usually, we don't drink unless it's Friday or Saturday during normal times, but since it's been different times during this stay at home order, the black box has come in handy!

So for my wine slush, I did a two to one ratio. One cup of the wine of your choice, you could do champagne, prosecco, or even flavored sparkling water for a non-alcoholic version! And then add in two cups of your favorite frozen fruit. I used strawberries! It could be pineapple, mango, blueberries, peaches! Anything! I put all of the ingredients into my Vitamix blender and blend until smooth. You could add in a touch of sugar for a little bit more sweetness. I got these stemless wine glasses from Target, I usually let the kids use them for fun drinks or to make yogurt parfaits!

Wine Slush
1 c. wine of your choice, I used Sauvignon Blanc
2 c. of frozen fruit of your choice, I used strawberries. Or use fresh fruit and add ice
Blend in blender until smooth, pour in a pretty glass, and garnish with your favorite fruit!

hat | top | patio chair, on sale and I love how my kids can sit on them and I don't worry about them messing them up!
Go out to your porch or deck and Enjoy!! Have a great day!
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