Happy Wednesday! We are headed into the three day Memorial weekend and I could not be happier! But since things are a little different this year, it doesn't mean we still can't have fun and celebrate! I know a lot of people will still go to the lake and a lot of people will still be BBQing! I was going to share a few ideas to maybe incorporate into your weekend! I have checked and all items, but one or two should arrive before the weekend unless they change things on me:) But you could always get it for the 4th of July too!
A few fun things to do outside for the adults and kids! This water slide/sprinkler looks so fun, I know the kids would love to play in it as something new to do! All kids love water balloons, but no one wants to fill them up, thanks to these balloons, it's now easy to fill and the kids can have the fun! Flags for the kids to display around the house outside, or maybe surprise a loved one by putting it in their yard would be a fun activity to do with the kids! And what a great way for them to understand the meaning of the flag and what it represents. I listed a few other ideas as well!

For style, I like to keep it pretty comfy! Loving this tie-dye hoodie and of course some good cutoffs! I really want to try these, they, however, will not arrive in time for the weekend, but love the style and the length of these! Also, love my waterproof Birkenstocks, these will not make it on time, but they are my favorite sandal to wear in the summertime, especially around water! Of course, I will be enjoying some wine over the weekend and found this great insulated cup to keep your drinks cold and a wine chiller!

Of course, my favorite food to eat on these holidays is hamburgers! The past two times we have made hamburgers we made a sauce to go on it instead of the normal ketchup and mustard and we are loving it! The kids even dipped their fries and chips in it, lol! We had originally seen it on a video of Sam the Cooking Guy, but I can't seem to find the recipe on his website. So I typed up my version because on his video he didn't give measurements!

Have a great day!